He Cheated on Me and I Left Him: A Woman's Story!

 We met at work, dated for a little bit, and eventually, we both fell in love. I really did love him. He made me feel special, wanted, and important. He treated me like a princess. I never saw the signs of his cheating because he was so attentive to me when we were together. When we weren't together, he would call or text me constantly. I figured it was just how much he cared about me. But then things changed. He stopped calling as often, came home late from work more often than not, and sometimes there were texts on his phone that he didn't know how they got there but it seemed suspicious to me. 

I confronted him about my suspicions and he told me that nothing was going on with him and these other women. But what else could it be? So one night after coming home late again, I followed him to see where he was going. And I found out what he had been doing all along. I caught him with three different women cheating on me. And worse yet, they all lived right next door to each other! What kind of man does that? That is unacceptable behavior, especially if you're already dating someone. After following him that night, I broke up with him. The worst part is that he still tries to contact me now, even though I've blocked his number and refused to answer any calls from unknown numbers. 

It's too difficult seeing him every day at work, knowing that he ruined our relationship, knowing that he betrayed me over and over again. He is no longer a part of my life. I'm finally free of the nightmare. My ex-boyfriend has only shown himself to be an immature jerk that doesn't care about anyone except himself. When I broke up with him, you should have seen the look on his face. You'd think he'd feel terrible for betraying me and hurting me, but instead, he looked relieved that he wouldn't have to put up with me anymore!


It's hard to see the light when you're in the depths of a broken heart. You don't want to do anything, or go anywhere. The feeling can be overwhelming that nothing will ever be okay again. But just because your relationship ended doesn't mean you have to stop living your life. Here are some tips to help you get back up on your feet:  

1. Find new hobbies that take your mind off the breakup.

I am a woman who was heartbroken by a man who cheated on me. In order to get my mind off the breakup, I turned to new hobbies. I started cooking more, which is something that always made him happy when he came home. Cooking has been an amazing way for me to express myself through food. It also makes me feel better about myself because it is important that you take care of yourself as well as your loved ones during this difficult time. Another hobby I took up was photography. I would go out with my camera and take pictures of things that caught my eye. One day I felt really lonely so I picked up a book and read for one day. On another day I went out hiking in the woods near my house just to spend some time alone. You might think these are little things but they helped me get over what happened faster than anything else could have.

2. Don’t spend time with friends who are going to remind you of the person who broke your heart

Don't spend time with friends who are going to remind you of the person who broke your heart. It's not fair to them or you. Your space is sacred when you're hurting, so don't let anyone in unless they can bring you comfort. Spend as much time as possible with people who love you and want to support you through this tough period in your life. Seek out counseling if it helps - even though it might seem too late for that now - it will eventually help clear things up for you and put some of these emotions into perspective. The most important thing is that YOU take care of YOU because nobody else will do it for you!

3. Keep yourself busy with work

When you find yourself in a situation that leaves you heartbroken, it can be hard to stay busy. Sometimes it may seem like the only thing left to do is sit around feeling sorry for yourself. However, there are many things you can do to keep your mind off of the pain. Here are some of my favorite ways to keep busy when I am feeling down. One idea is to watch movies that always make me feel better; another is cooking delicious food with friends; or running until I don't have any more energy left. These things not only help me focus on something other than what has happened, but they also make me feel better about myself because I accomplished something! So next time you're in need of distraction, remember these three options--movies, cooking, or exercise--to distract yourself from thinking about the one who broke your heart.

4. Lean on family for support

My family was very supportive during this difficult time. They helped me get out of bed in the morning, cooked meals for me, listened to my worries, and did anything they could to make it easier for me. It made me feel so loved.

5. Listen to happy music

I would suggest listening to happy music when you are feeling sad or heartbroken. Music has a way of making you feel better, even if it is only temporary. I put on some upbeat tunes and started dancing around my apartment. It made me feel like myself again, which was the best feeling in the world. I danced for about 30 minutes before I decided to take a break. I felt happier than ever!


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